how many beers can you drink and drive

How Many Beers Can you Drink and Drive? Law Explained!!

According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2022, the average death count was 28 people per day. These valuable lives could be saved with one wise decision: not driving after consuming alcohol. Alcohol excessively affects vision, the ability to distinguish traffic lights or signals and observation ability. Eventually, drunken drivers cannot control a vehicle. Is it totally prohibited from driving after a drink? How many beers can you drink and drive? Meanwhile, these are some questions that most people wonder about. We are going to explain the answer with explanation in this article. 

Beer Drink and Drive Calculator

NHTSA has introduced a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit for drivers who need to drive home after the party. There is a safe limit, and you all must obey it to avoid roadside accidents. If the value denotes a higher value than the recommended limit, then you are not suitable for the road, both physically and mentally. 

There are online calculators which will give you the BAC value when you enter your weight and amount of alcohol consumed. But these are not totally accurate as the percentage varies according to many other facts. For instance, the metabolic rate of persons varies, and it changes these calculations by online tools or apps. Age and food after the drinks are also another two factors that determine the overall percentage of alcohol in the blood. 

Does the One Drink One Hour Rule Work?

One drink, one hour rule presents that a person’s body will take one hour to reduce the Blood Alcohol Concentration by 0.015%, and it continues the decrement like this. The rate is calculated for one standard drink. If it is hard liquor, the amount is 1.25 ounces. One standard drink is also equivalent to 1 regular beer or 1 glass of wine.

But the most important thing you need to remember here is that this rule is not applicable to all of the community who get drinks. The rate of alcohol processing differs from one to another. Age, gender, metabolism and food consumed with or after drinks are significant factors affecting this rule’s variation. 

This means whether you are lucky to reduce the BAC by 0.015% per hour, your friend’s blood sample will not give the same results after one hour. Therefore, we suggest you should not completely rely on this rule as it cannot be generalised. 

How Many Beers Can you Drink and Drive?

If you are a man with a weight of 180 lb, after three and a half beer cans of 12-ounce Blood Alcohol Level in your body could be under 0.08%. This value is for the period of one hour after the consumption and is relevant for a male driver. Blood Alchohol Level (BAL) is the indicator which determines the suitability of a person to drive safely. If this is greater than 0.08% in a person with the above-mentioned weight, he cannot drive a vehicle safely. If you are a female with 140 lb after 2.5 regular-sized beers will be your safe limit that obeys the 0.08% rule. 

Alcohol consumption will make people lose their normal physical stability. For instance, there is a risk of falling asleep while driving. The impact of alcohol can be seen in the vision too. Hence, a drunken driver will not be able to identify road signals and traffic lights. The outcome will be a road accident. They also will have to pay a fine or sometimes will be subjected to imprisonment. The worst scenario of all is an accident that makes you and your loved ones injured and have broken bones, sometimes losing their lives. 

The accidents caused by driving after consuming alcohol can be avoided by taking a simple step. If you take more than 1 standard drink within an hour, it is highly advised not to drive just after the drink. Remember, if you are in a hurry, you can call a taxi. If there are many people, appoint someone who did not consume alcohol for the driving seat. And, if you are travelling alone, we never accept consuming alcohol. Calling a friend to pick you up is also a wise option you have. 

You also must not pay your total belief on one drink, one hour rule. The rule may have changed according to your age, physical fitness and gender. There is also an impact from the food you had during the day while consuming alcohol or after the drink. 

How Many Beers Can a 200-pound Man Drink and Drive?

Generally, it has been stated that a 200-pound man can drink 3 average beers and drive. But this does not mean that this is a fact relevant to all 200-pound men out there. For some, 3 beers will make their BAL value over the safe limits of 0.08%. It is never recommended to apply the one drink, one hour rule and consume 6 beers in two hours if you want to drive safely back home. The metabolism rates of individuals are not the same. Similarly, the alcohol percentages of some beers are higher than typical. As we discussed, many other factors affect the variations of this rule. Therefore, you must never pay your total trust in this rule. 

Can you Drive After One Drink at a Restaurant? 

Consuming a glass of wine at a dinner party will not increase your BAL value by more than 0.08%. One glass of wine is equivalent to one beer with less alcohol percentage. If it is hard liquor, in most cases, you are only allowed to drink 1.25 ounces. 


Consuming alcohol before driving is not acceptable in the means of safety. But, if you need to drink beer, it must be under the safe limits that the NHTSA has put forward. 

If you consume alcohol or beer than the safer limits, getting help from a friend or a taxi service is always recommended to reach your destination without any trouble. For more information on the topic, do read the content up above. 

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